Monday, November 17, 2014

Step 4: Slides, Slides, and More Slides!

I was just finishing up the video editing process, foolishly thinking I was over half way through with the project, when Mom Bules brings out from her closet a stack of four Kodak Slide Carousels.  “Don't forget these” she says. With about 80 slides per carousel, I had over 360 slides to digitize and turn into some sort of video.

This slide process requires a method to scan and digitize each slide.  Another trip to Best Buy to pickup an Ion slide converter.  This unit scans the slides, digitizes them and stores them on a small SD memory card.

Ion Slide Converter
So I set this up, and scanned all 360 slides one-by-one making sure each one was at least not upside down (few would recognize a slide in backwards…unless there was some kind of printing in the background).

iPhoto App (Slideshows)
I then uploaded the slides into an Apple app called iPhoto.  This app can create a slide show with programmable timing between slides, adding a Ken Burns effect (which is the effect of zooming in or out or sideways on a slide).  

I rearranged the slide sequences to make chronological sense, and when finished, exported the slideshow as a video file.  I made four video files, one to represent each slide carousel.

These slide video files were then loaded into the iMovie app where a title slide was added and prepared for the next step.

Next Step:  Voiceovers

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